Making Tax Digital for VAT - Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions that Pegasus has received about Making Tax Digital for VAT over the last few months, grouped by background to Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTD), using spreadsheets, HMRC, and technical questions.

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Questions about the background to Making Tax Digital for VAT

When does MTD start for me?

Are there any exemptions to MTD?

What's the thinking behind MTD?

How does this affect businesses?

Can we manually amend the VAT Return figures before submitting them to HMRC?

What is meant by 'businesses will need to maintain digital VAT records?'

What does 'The VAT Return must be created from digital records in a digital format' mean?

What happens if turnover falls below the VAT Threshold?

How long must you keep digital records for?

Why would the VAT Return need adjusting?

What is the “soft landing period"?

Are the filing dates changing?

Has the payment deadline changed?

Making Tax Digital becomes effective on 1st April 2019.  My quarterly VAT returns run to the end of February, May, August etc.  How does this affect me?

I file monthly VAT Returns; how does that affect me for MTD?

Questions about using spreadsheets

Can I use spreadsheets to help me calculate my VAT figures?

How can a business use their API-enabled accounting software and spreadsheets?

Questions about Capital Gold

When does Capital Gold (3.80) need to be installed?

How does MTD work with back-ups and restores in Capital Gold?

Does a Nominal Journal need to be posted after a VAT Adjustment?

Questions relating to HMRC

Do I need to contact HMRC before using MTD?

When should I sign up for MTD?

Once I have signed up with HMRC for MTD, what next?

Technical Questions

What are the software requirements for Capital Gold to process MTD?

Why is .NET Framework 4.7.2 required?

Is .NET Framework 4.7.2 required on all Capital Gold computers?

Will all underlying transactions be submitted to HMRC?