Release 4.08.04

These are the details for Capital Gold Payroll (4.08.04).

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Dec 20


This release supports the next extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme together with a number of functional improvements and updates..

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – Furlough employees

This release supports the extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme until March 2021, allowing businesses to continue to claim for this extended period. The rules for the extended period until 31 Jan 2021 are as they were in August 2020:

The Government has said that they are going to review the scheme in January so further advice will follow with regards to claiming for February and March.

Functional Improvements and Updates

The release also includes several functional improvements and updates to the following areas:

For more detailed information regarding this release, please refer to the Capital Gold Payroll 4.08.04 Release Notes.pdf guide.

Capital Gold Payroll Guides

Capital Gold Payroll Product Details