Opera 3 SQL SE Release 2.80.50

These are the details for Opera 3 SQL SE (2.80.50).




Dec 20


Opera 3 SQL SE has been updated to provide users with improvements that will assist users as the United Kingdom leaves the European Union on 1st January 2021.

Details of changes

System – Company Profiles

Fields for Second and Third Economic Originator Registration Identifier (EORI) numbers have been added to the General tab.

The EC VAT section on the Options tab now has a new checkbox called “Include Despatches on SD report”.  This is required as from 1st January 2021, businesses trading from England, Scotland and Wales will no longer be required to include details of Despatches in Intrastat declarations.  Businesses trading from Northern Ireland will still be required to include details of both Despatches and Arrivals.

Sales Processing – EC VAT/VAT

For reference purposes, an EORI number field has been added to the EC VAT form (the VAT form if EC VAT does not form part of the serialisation).  In addition, 2 further reference fields called “Extra 1” and “Extra 2” have been added to the form for future use.

Purchase Processing – EC VAT/VAT

For reference purposes, an EORI number field has been added to the EC VAT form (the VAT form if EC VAT does not form part of the serialisation).  In addition, 2 further reference fields called “Extra 1” and “Extra 2” have been added to the form for future use.

Stock Processing – Options

A new field to store the Gross Weight of the stock item has been included.  In addition, 2 further reference fields called “Extra 1” and “Extra 2” have been added to the form for future use.

Sales, Purchase and Stock reports

The List of Accounts available in the Sales and Purchase Reports folder now include the EORI number when output in the PDF format.

The Stock Record Sheet, available in Stock Reports now includes the Gross Weight of the item, when output in the PDF format.

EC VAT Reports

The SD Report, SD Report to EDI and SD Audit Trail have been amended to use the new option in Company Profiles (“Include Despatches on SD report”).  If this checkbox is not ticked, then only the Arrivals button is selected on the SD reports and cannot be amended.

New Delivery Note report design

A new report design has been added to the Report Layout table in the System application that provides a sample export documentation layout.  The new report is available when creating a Delivery Note in SOP or Invoicing and has a description in the Report Layout list on the Publisher form called “Brexit – Sample Export Documentation”.

VAT Return boxes wording amendments

Descriptions of VAT Return boxes 2, 8 and 9 have been amended in line with HMRC Recommendations.  The amendments are visible when the Opera processing date is 1st January 2021 or later.

Environmental Notes

Only currently supported environments were used during the test cycle for this release.

Opera 3 SQL SE Guides

Opera 3 SQL SE Product Details