Opera 3 SQL SE Release 2.81.60

These are the details for Opera 3 SQL SE (2.81.60).




May 21


System changes have been implemented to uplift the .NET DLLs for Opera 3 SQL SE client for MTD fraud prevention headers.

As a result of the extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to the end of Sept 2021, functionality has been provided to accommodate the required changes. Namely, in July the employer must contribute 10% of the employees pay and in August and Sept. that increases to 20%.

This release includes further improvements to assist users with the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.

For further details on the content of this release, please contact your Pegasus Partner.

Details of Further Brexit Improvements

Sales Codes

VAT Codes with a Reverse Charge Sales Trans. Type (V) are now displayed in the list of available codes.

Customer Profiles

VAT Codes with a Reverse Charge Sales Trans. Type (V) are now displayed in the list of available codes in the maintenance form.  For custom profiles, VAT Codes with a Reverse Charge Sales Trans. Type (V) will be displayed for UK VAT registered customers.

These changes will allow a Domestic Reverse Charge VAT code to be displayed when raising order lines in Sales Order Processing or Invoicing.

Stock Processing – Reverse Charge

A Domestic Reverse Charge VAT code can now be entered against a stock item that does not have the Reverse Charge indicator set.

The checkbox on the Options form of the Stock Processing form has been renamed to MTIC Reverse Charge.  This change also applies to the Product File.

Description only lines

In the Sales Order Processing and Invoicing applications, it is now possible to apply a Domestic Reverse Charge VAT code to an order line that does not have a stock reference entered.

 Opera 3 SQL SE Guides

Opera 3 SQL SE Product Details