Opera 3 SQL SE Release 2.91.00

These are the details for Opera 3 SQL SE (2.91.00).




May 22


This release of Opera 3 SQL SE includes the following changes:

Rebrand of ECVAT

The EC VAT application has been rebranded and is now referred to as Import and Export. References to EC VAT in the sales ledger are now referred to as Export and references to EC VAT in the purchase ledger are now referred to as Import.

Improvements to Postponed VAT Accounting

The user now has the ability, to post transactions to Customers and Suppliers using the Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA) rules without the need to post further VAT adjustments to account for the transactions in the VAT return correctly.

The Company Profiles form now has a new check box under the Import Export – EC VAT reporting section called ‘Apply EC VAT Rules in EC Trade’. By selecting this check box, the system will operate as per previous releases. This will be typically used by customers based in Northern Ireland.

There are further additional check boxes added to the modules, please refer to the user assistance for details of the functionality.

Other VAT Improvements

For users to be better able to update the VAT Return with the necessary values from a foreign Invoice or Credit transaction, it is now possible to post transactions to overseas based suppliers or customers where the VAT is to be treated the same as UK domestic tax. A new check box has been added to the Sales/Purchase Processing form to identify an overseas record which is to be treated as UK VAT.  

Where it is necessary to create Invoices or Credit Notes to overseas based customers or suppliers that has a VAT charge applied and does not update the UK VAT Return. A new check box has been added to the Sales/Purchase Processing form to identify an overseas record which is to be treated as Foreign VAT.

Various new check boxes are not present on the VAT Codes form that allow VAT codes to be set up as required in accordance with the PVA and foreign VAT rules.

It is also now possible to set a historic VAT Code as dormant, therefore suppressing the dormant code from the VAT code lists whilst processing.  Codes marked as dormant will still be available in the Detailed VAT Reports for historical reporting.

Various reports have also been updated to give better VAT reporting.

Welsh Council Tax Attachment of Earnings

This release includes updates to the thresholds of Council Tax Attachment of Earnings as applied by the Wales Government for Welsh court orders.

For further details on this requirement, please contact your Pegasus Partner.

Maintenance Changes

This release also includes some customer maintenance fixes.

Environment Information

This release has been successfully tested using the following environments:

  • Windows 11 Enterprise - version 21H2
  • Windows 11 Pro - version 21H2
  • Windows 10 Enterprise - version 21H2
  • Windows 10 Pro - version 21H2
  • Windows 10 Enterprise - version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Pro - version 21H1
  • Office 365 - version 2108

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Opera 3 SQL SE Product Details