Data Security

With Opera 3 SQL SE the security of company data is of the utmost importance.

This decision is supported by the choice of Microsoft SQL Server to provide data storage, the design of the Pegasus Opera Service as the secure method of communication between Microsoft SQL Server and Opera 3 SQL SE, and the introduction of the secure Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository for the files in Windows.

Microsoft SQL Server Authentication

Authentication is the process of logging on to Microsoft SQL Server using credentials that the server evaluates to establish the identity of the user or process being authenticated. The authorised resources that can be accessed are then determined.

Microsoft SQL Server offers two ways to access the databases using either SQL Server authentication or Windows authentication. SQL Server authentication passes unencrypted login names and passwords across the network, which makes it less secure than Windows Authentication. Windows Authentication is the method used by Opera 3 SQL SE. Microsoft recommends Windows Authentication, which uses encrypted messages to authenticate users in Microsoft SQL Server.

Pegasus Opera Service

The Pegasus Opera Service is the secure method used to update the Microsoft SQL Server data. It controls all the flow of data to and from the Microsoft SQL Server databases.

The first responsibility for the service is to create the connection to Microsoft SQL Server on behalf of the Opera 3 SQL SE users. This is achieved using Windows authentication using a Microsoft SQL Server administrator account, for example the local system administrator. The security model is therefore tied to one account. This is the only method allowed to update the data and ensures data security and integrity.

Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository

Another security feature is the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository. This feature keeps files like PDFs and spreadsheets secure - files that are saved in Windows rather than in Microsoft SQL Server.

There is a recommended location for the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository, which is offered when the Opera 3 SQL SE server software is installed, but another location can be used if that is preferred.

When a report is saved using the Publisher in Opera 3 SQL SE it can be saved securely on the server in the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository or in a specified folder in Windows.

The Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository is also designed to allow company-specific reports to be saved securely. If more than one company is maintained in Opera 3 SQL SE the reports for those companies will be saved in a dedicated location. Using the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository is straightforward as the complexity of the design is hidden from view.

Common files location

The common folder is where banking payment files and those which need to be sent to HMRC are saved on the server. These files can be retrieved afterwards by users who have been given access to the location in Windows.

The common folder includes sub-folders for specific files:

Access to this location is not allowed as standard. A network share location must be created to allow the files to be saved here, and the necessary network permissions will need to be allowed by the administrators.

Summary of features



With Opera 3 SQL SE data security is of the highest importance. Opera 3 SQL SE data in Microsoft SQL Server and files that are saved in the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository are secure as standard with no further administration configuration necessary.
Opera 3 SQL SE uses Microsoft SQL Server as the data store. Microsoft SQL Server is a well-established database technology, providing industry standard data security.
The Pegasus Opera Service is the only method used to update Microsoft SQL Server and the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository. No other Windows services or network credentials are needed to access Microsoft SQL Server. This makes Opera 3 SQL SE secure as standard with no further administration configuration necessary.
Only Opera 3 SQL SE users have access to the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository. The files that are saved securely on the server in the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository can only be viewed by the people who have been given access to the menu for the Server Reports form.
The Opera 3 SQL SE common folder in Windows includes the files to forward to banks and HMRC. Access to this folder is locked down as standard so network administrators control who has network access to it in Windows.