Product Features

Opera 3 SQL SE offers a breadth of functionality in the Financial, Supply Chain Management, Payroll and Personnel applications, and includes foreign currencies transactions, reporting for Import / Export transactions and Pegasus XRL reporting.

Server-side processing

Heavy duty ‘data intensive processes’ - that could take some time to complete - are run from the PC workstations but all the processing work is done on the Opera 3 SQL SE server. As well as minimising the impact on your IT network, your workstations are not used at all for by a data intensive process, and so can be used for other tasks.

Financial Ledgers

Financials are the core to any business, whatever its size. Immediate access to accurate financial information is key to managing a business profitably by supporting the decision-making process. With Opera 3 SQL SE you can continually track both your revenue and your costs so that you have immediate visibility of your cash flow; invaluable for your profit generation. Added to this, in-depth financial reporting and integration with Microsoft Excel make Opera 3 SQL SE a system that delivers real cost benefits to your business.



Sales Ledger

With the Opera 3 SQL SE Sales Ledger you can email statements, invoice copies and debtors’ letters. You can view your sales information in a way that is meaningful to you, as Opera 3 SQL SE offers Views that you can customise. And of course, it caters for foreign currencies and handles all your customer profiles and trading terms, as well as invoices, credit notes, receipts, refunds and adjustments.

The Opera 3 SQL SE Sales Ledger allows you to report on Aged Debtors now or as at any date in the past, and it makes revenue forecasting easy with automatic calculation of average debtor days for both individual customers and your entire company.

Streamline your credit control processes to reduce bad debts and increase cash flow. The Credit Management Centre integrates with the Sales Ledger and provides a series of key dashboard views for effective credit control, as well as the tools you need to manage customer debt. From diary reminders and Promise To Pay By dates to detailed notes against customers and invoices, the Credit Management Centre is a one-stop shop for all your credit control needs.

And with Debt Management built in, you have sophisticated and flexible debt correspondence for use when customers fail to adhere to their agreed terms. With Debt Management, you can create up to nine levels of debtor letters and email covers, generic or customised, which can then be emailed or posted, individually or in bulk.

Purchase Ledger


With Opera 3 SQL SE, all your supplier transactions are thoroughly and securely managed from start to finish. Your cash flow is automated and improved with comprehensive cheque and BACS payment routines, email remittances (individual or batched), and the calculation of average creditor days. The Purchase Ledger gives you dynamic access to purchase information across multiple periods together with Aged Creditors reporting, now or as at any date in the past. Late Payment Reporting is also built in for those that publish their payment practices and performance.

The integrated Purchase Invoice Register allows invoices and credit notes to be posted and remain in the Register until they are authorised, giving you much greater control over your purchasing. This, linked with unlimited contacts and notes, provides you access to essential information to control your cash flow.  

Nominal Ledger


The Nominal Ledger includes analysis of Account, Type, Sub-type and Cost Centre plus two further user-definable levels as standard, giving you access and in-depth analysis at transaction level for the past 9 years.

Open Period Accounting offers a financial calendar for the current, previous and up to 3 future financial years with each year having up to 24 periods, which can be open, closed or blocked. Integration across Opera 3 SQL SE means that you can get in-depth management information and reports for precise financial analysis. You can apply budgets at four analysis levels, for current or future periods and years, with full percentage variance analysis and reporting. You can even easily change your year start date and maintain your data integrity.

Transactions can be posted into any open period in the current and future years from other applications such as the Sales and Purchase Ledgers, Cashbook and Stock Control. You can also post Nominal transactions into any open period in the previous financial year. Applications post to the Nominal Ledger by either batch update or real-time transfer. What’s more, even misposted nominal journals can be reversed and rectified quickly and accurately.



Set up any number of bank and petty cash accounts, retrieve payments and refunds from the Sales and Purchase Ledgers, set up standing orders, direct debits and other recurring bank transactions, and reconcile these to your bank statements.

The Cashbook provides constant and up-to-date information on all your bank accounts for flexible financial analysis. You also have the option to have foreign currency bank accounts where balances are held and transactions posted in that foreign currency. You can even consolidate multiple sales and purchase ledgers into a single Cashbook, for centralised banking control.


The Costing application in Opera 3 SE allows you to track job costs and revenues against budgets, breaking costs down even further against a variety of categories including Labour, Contractor, Direct Expense, Stock and Interim Billing. Jobs can be grouped under contract headings and costs can be posted and recorded against job phases, therefore ensuring you are always in complete control of your costs. Timesheets raised for work on jobs can easily be recorded and transferred to Payroll for further processing. The Costing application can be fully integrated with other Opera 3 SE applications such as Sales, Purchase, Invoicing/SOP, POP and Stock Processing ensuring fast and accurate information is always available. Also, with an extensive range of features available it provides a highly flexible and extendable solution to businesses who have simple or complex Costing requirements to satisfy.

Supply Chain Management

Integrate sales orders, purchasing and stock with the relevant financial information, and automate the delivery of your customers’ orders. Opera 3 SQL SE gives you the power to keep a close eye on your purchase orders, respond to demand for products and monitor pricing.

Responding quickly and efficiently to customer demand makes Opera 3 SQL SE a powerful tool for retaining customer loyalty and increasing levels of customer satisfaction.



Sales Order Processing/Invoicing

The Sales Order Processing application in Opera 3 SQL SE doesn’t just generate sales documents; it also checks for customers' special price lists, discounts and credit limits. It provides back-to-back order processing with Purchase Order Processing and part-progression of documents in the sales cycle. It offers batch processing of documents with the ability to email all documents within the sales cycle, to help you save both time and money. It also offers Repeat Invoicing functionality which is typically used to create monthly invoices against ongoing contracts.

Sales Order Processing in Opera 3 SQL SE also offers a Global Price Changes utility, making it easy to maintain pricing information.

Purchase Order Processing

Opera 3 SQL SE simply and swiftly generates all documents for the entire purchase process from start to finish. Purchase documents give greater control over the organisation of purchase orders in your business. Multiple supplier documents can be optimised to create a single document for progression to a purchase order. Matching receipts and supplier invoices back to the purchase order gives you total control over stock, pricing and financial management.

The Supplier Product File links stock items to supplier records, remembering supplier references, cost prices, economic order quantities and lead times, so you don’t have to.


Sophisticated stock management is fully integrated to both the supply chain and financials. Stock in Opera 3 SQL SE caters for various costing methods and multiple warehouses. It allows you to apply different cost and selling prices, with minimum stock and re-order levels for each warehouse, meaning you can arrange your stockholding exactly how you like.

And because it’s important to know the true profitability of your stock sales, Opera 3 SQL SE offers landed costs functionality so that you can add freight, import duty, insurance, warehousing etc to your stock costs. Landed costs can be posted to the Nominal Ledger and are included in various stock-related processes, such as the Stock Valuation report.

Stock offers a Global Price Changes utility which makes it really easy to maintain pricing information for stock items. GRN and RTV processing comes as standard and provides a traceable process of receipting or returning stock, and you can also create Quarantine warehouses to hold goods prior to being moved into stock.

For stock that needs to be batch or serial number traceable, Stock Traceability comes as standard with Opera 3 SQL SE, and you can also trace where that stock came from and who it was shipped to.

Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials application in Opera 3 SE caters for fast and accurate manufacturing information including work in progress, assembly structure detail, where used or assembly cost reports and batch/serial item location from works orders. It features automatic Works Order generation from sales orders, batch Works Order progression and a comprehensive enquiry facility. Assembly structures can be simple or complex, including sub-assemblies and components such as raw materials, labour or description only. The Kitting function allows further flexibility by enabling works orders to be raised and receive the build quantity of the finished assembly into stock in a single process.





Apart from handling all your day-to-day tasks, Payroll caters fully for auto enrolment of pensions and offers salary sacrifice and integration with pension providers such as NEST and NOW: Pensions, ensuring all your requirements are covered. In addition, by harnessing web and email technology, it helps reduce your costs and administrative burden.


Personnel helps you manage all employee-related processes covering recruitment, retention, training, disciplinary actions, absenteeism, job changes and salary updates.

Online Filing Manager

Online Filing Manager is installed separately and used to submit Real Time Information returns to HMRC.

Additional applications




The Multi-Currency application handles unlimited currencies, exchange rates per transaction type and the calculation and recording of exchange rate fluctuations. Make euro electronic payments compliant with SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area), and record BIC and IBAN against supplier, customer and bank account records.


With the EC VAT application, Opera 3 SQL SE makes short work of defining and maintaining the information you need to produce EC Sales Lists (ESL) and Supplementary Declarations (SD). The EC Sales List report generates an XML upload file for submission via the HMRC website. And if you’re using foreign currency accounts, EC VAT can generate the appropriate VAT rate codes for EC sales and purchases and will then collect the information needed to produce the returns for trading with EU countries.

Server Administration and Monitoring

The administration and monitoring of Opera 3 SQL SE are achieved by using a separate application that is installed at the same time as the Opera 3 SQL SE server software. The Server Administration and Monitoring application is a server-side application for configuring the Opera 3 SQL SE server software, entering licence and activation details, configuring email settings, creating company records, monitoring database details and managing bespoke applications.