
There are strict database rules for data in Opera 3 SQL SE. These rules make sure that dates and values are recorded correctly and related database tables reconcile - for example invoice totals must equate with the sum of the invoice detail lines. The database 'health checker' in the Server Administration and Monitoring application completes these checks prior to the data migration from other editions of Opera 3.

Server Administration & Monitoring

To make the migration from other editions of Pegasus Opera 3 as smooth as possible using the Server Administration and Monitoring application, a new company is automatically created in Opera 3 SQL SE during the migration. If a problem is found during the migration the changes in Microsoft SQL Server can be rolled back. The migration of data includes PDF files (Portable Document Format) like invoices, statements and remittance advices.

To migrate data from other vendors' software solutions, contact Pegasus Software.

Summary of features



The database 'health checker' in the Server Administration and Monitoring application completes relevant checks prior to the migration of data from other editions of Opera 3.

Data validation errors prevent data migration to Opera 3 SQL SE because of the strict validation rules in Opera 3 SQL SE.

The data migration view in the Server Administration and Monitoring application migrates data from other editions of Opera 3.

This assists with data upgrades.

The migration of data from other editions of Opera 3 includes PDF files (Portable Document Format), for example, invoices, statements and remittance advices (including modified report designs).

After the migration, all the necessary files are automatically moved into the Opera 3 SQL SE folders.

If a problem is found during the migration the changes in Microsoft SQL Server can be rolled back.

If the migration cannot continue the Microsoft SQL Server installation remains in its original state.