Standard reporting

Each application in Opera 3 SQL SE has a Reports section that includes the relevant reports. Many reports can be published in a secure location as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets but all reports can be printed, emailed and saved as PDF documents. Standard reports can also be modified to your specific requirements if required. Those reports are saved in a different location so that they are not overwritten by software upgrades.

Opera 3 SQL SE caters for both customer-specific report designs and, if more than one company is maintained in the software, also company-specific report designs. These reports are stored in different locations to that used for the reports provided as standard.

Storing reports securely in the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository

When a report is saved using the Publisher in Opera 3 SQL SE users have the choice of saving it securely on the server in the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository or saving it in a specified folder in Windows.

Files that are kept securely in the Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository can only be accessed by using Server Reports in the System Manager. Like all forms in Opera 3 SQL SE access to this form is controlled using the menu access feature on the User Profiles form.

Reports used on the Opera 3 SQL SE server

Each heavy-duty data intensive process that runs on the server also does all the report processing on the server, meaning the processing burden stays on the server and the PC workstations are not affected.

Standard reports that are used on the server when data intensive processes are run can be modified to your specific requirements if required. Standard and modified reports are saved in different locations on the server. This means that modified reports will not be overwritten when the software is upgraded.

Summary of features



The Pegasus Opera Service provides secure access to the data in SQL Server when reports are running.

The access to data in Microsoft SQL Server is controlled and managed by the Pegasus Opera Service, so other processes and software cannot access the databases. This is provided as standard so no further configuration is necessary.

Reports saved using the Opera 3 SQL SE Publisher can be saved in the secure Windows File system Repository.

Secure reports mean that only the users with security access to the Server Reports screen can view the reports. They cannot be viewed from other areas of the software, or outside the software.

There is clear separation of reports provided as standard and customised designs.

Customised reports will never be overwritten when software is upgraded. This helps make upgrading Opera 3 SQL SE to later versions straightforward.

Standard report designs can be modified.

The reports provided as standard can be modified to your requirements.