Copy Statutory Rates

The Copy Statutory Rates command updates the Income Tax, National Insurance and Statutory Payments rates in the active company only. You can either copy the system defaults as updated by Pegasus Software - which are the statutory rates published by HMRC - or copy the rates from another company that you have access to.  Opera keeps two tables of tax, NI and statutory payments rates: one table for the current rates, the other table for future rates - typically for the next tax year.

Statutory rates for all companies instead of an individual company can be updated in the Update Data Structures command.



Set to System Default

The system default is always set to the latest available rates for employers and employees in the United Kingdom.

Always use this option to update the statutory rates in the company. These rates are updated by Pegasus Software and supplied with Opera.

Copy from Company

This option allows you to copy the statutory rates from another company in Opera rather than use the System default. You should only use this option if the system default rates are not available.

Warning: Copying statutory rates from another company may be risky if the rates in the other company were entered manually rather than by using the system default rates.

Effective Dates for this company's PAYE/NI/Stat. Payments

These are the effective dates for the PAYE, NI and Statutory Payments tables for this company, taken from the Payroll - Utilities - PAYE/NI/Stat. Payments form.

System Default

The effective dates for the system tables that are maintained by Pegasus Software.

If the Date Table Becomes Effective date for Table 2 has been set to be ahead of the system defaults provided with Opera, the table will not be overwritten by the Update Data Structures command. The Copy Statutory Rates command will ask whether the table should be overwritten. This provides a fail-safe mechanism if the Date Table Becomes Effective for Table 2 is changed manually. Appropriate messages are displayed in this situation.