Stock Control Help
Use this report to produce a list of GRNs. The report includes information about the items received on GRNs and whether they have been released from quarantine. Options determine whether detail lines are included. You can also specify a range of receipt dates. You can produce the report in the following sequences: GRN number, Matched GRN (applies if the GRN is matched with a purchase order), Product, Warehouse, Supplier (applies if the GRN is matched with a purchase order) and Delivery note (applies if the GRN is matched with a purchase order).
If the report is sequenced by GRN Number, a shipping reference is included on the report if one was entered on the GRN. A shipping reference can be entered on a GRN if the Landed Costs box is ticked on the System - Maintenance - Company Profiles form.
Open the Stock folder
and then click Reports
or click the Supply Chain Management
tab on the Ribbon Bar and then
click Stock
- Reports.
Click G.R.N. Report.
In the Sequence list, select the sequence option you want. You can produce the report in GRN, product, warehouse, supplier or delivery note sequence, then depending on the sequence you have selected, use the From and To lists to define the range of records you want included in the print run.
Under Receipts, use the From and To boxes, enter the start and end dates for transactions included in the report.
To include transaction line details for the items included in the report, tick the Show Line Details option. To include extra description details for the items included in the report, tick the Show Extra Line Details option.
Using the options provided, click to select the source of the GRNs you want included. You can include all or a combination of GRN, direct and POP receipts.
Click OK. On the Publisher form, click the tab to select the output device you want to use and then complete any settings or options you want to apply to the output device. To process the output, click Publish.