Historical Stock Valuation Report

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Use this report to show the value of stock items as at a date in the past. You can produce the report in product, warehouse and category sequence. The report includes information about the in-stock quantity, cost price selling price and value. Options for the report determine whether negative or zero quantity stocks are included. Stock items that have been issued for a works order in the Bill of Materials application, and landed costs can also be included on the report. More about Landed Costs

Valuation Methods

This report calculates the stock value using the First In First Out (FIFO) method where possible. This method uses the transaction prices to calculate a valuation. The FIFO valuation on the report will match the valuation held in the Nominal Ledger for the relevant period in most situations. However, in those situations where an item has slipped into negative stock the valuation on this report may be different.

For items that are linked to Stock Profiles that are not marked to use the FIFO method, the valuation is calculated using the cost prices on the stock item or relevant warehouse. The non FIFO valuation should also match the valuation held in the Nominal Ledger for the relevant period. However, if the cost price on the stock item or relevant warehouse has changed the valuations will be different. This is because the Nominal Ledger is updated using the cost price at the time of receipt, whereas this report uses the cost price on the stock item or relevant warehouse on the Produce Report As At date.

Example 1: FIFO stock

Example 2: Non FIFO stock with standard costing

Example 3: Non FIFO stock with average costing

This report can be viewed on screen, saved as a PDF document or printed. It can also be saved as an Excel spreadsheet.

Initialising the Historical Stock Valuation

This report is available after the Stock Control - Utilities - Initialise Historical Stock Valuation command has been used, which sets up the necessary database that this report uses.

To Print the Historical Stock Valuation Report

  1. Open the Stock folder and then click Reports or click the Supply Chain Management tab on the Ribbon Bar and then click Stock - Reports.

  2. Click Historical Stock Valuation.

  3. In the Sequence list, select the sequence option you want. You can produce the report in product, warehouse or category sequence, then, depending on the sequence you have selected, use the From and To lists to define the range of records you want included in the print run.

  4. Choose the options from the following:

  5. In the Produce Report As At box, enter the date when you want the stock to be valued.

  6. Click OK. On the Publisher form, click the tab to select the output device you want to use and then complete any settings or options you want to apply to the output device. To process the output, click Publish.

To save this report as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, select Excel Report from the Report Layout box on the Publisher form.  

Managing the Historical Stock Valuation Database

A single daily record is added to the historical stock valuation database for each stock item/warehouse. For example, if you hold an item in two warehouses the database will include two records, one for each warehouse. The record is updated for both inward movements (for example, receipts from suppliers) and outward movements (for example, issues to customers).

You can use the Stock Control - Utilities - Period End command to manage the size of the database used for this report. Over time the database will grow so housekeeping is important. The number of records in this database is displayed on the System - Utilities - Data Status Check form.