Stock Control Help
Use this report to produce a summary or detailed report of issues of stock from the Stock Control, SOP and Invoicing applications. You can produce the report in product, category or warehouse sequence and for the range of transaction dates you specify. You can choose whether to include stock returns. The report includes information about reference, quantity, cost price, selling price, and margin. The data used for this report is cleared when you use the Period End command on the Utilities menu.
If a stock item is subject to landed costs, when a stock receipt is posted both the unit cost and the unit landed cost are used to calculate the total cost of the receipt. This applies to all types of stock: Non FIFO, FIFO, and batch and serial traceable. The landed costs that are relevant for the stock item are set up on the Stock Control - Processing - Landed Costs form.
When the stock item is issued to a customer, the total cost (including both the unit cost price and the unit landed cost) is taken into account when margins are calculated. Where these costs are displayed in Opera, for example in these Sales Ledger forms: View, Sales Analysis View, Sales History View and these Sales Order Processing reports: Orders Listing and Quotes and Proformas report, they include both the unit cost and the unit landed cost.
The profit and margin values on the report take the landed costs into account.
Open the Stock folder
and then click Reports
or click the Supply Chain Management
tab on the Ribbon Bar and then
click Stock
- Reports.
Click Issues Report.
In the Sequence list, select the sequence option you want. Use the From and To lists to define the range of records you want included in the print run.
Under Transaction Dates, use the From and To boxes, enter the start and end dates for transactions included in the report.
If you want to include transaction details associated with the issues, select the Show Transactions option.
If you want to include return movements, select the Include Returns option.
To include landed costs for the stock items that have those costs applied to them, tick Include Landed Costs. This option is enabled if the Landed Costs option is selected on the System - Maintenance - Company Profiles form.
Click OK. On the Publisher form, click the tab to select the output device you want to use and then complete any settings or options you want to apply to the output device. To process the output, click Publish.