Stock Control Help
Traceable records can be monitored through reports. In the Stock application, some reports have options especially for traceable records, and there is a Tracking Report which you can use to report on traceable items only, based on a range criteria and a Traceable Stock report that shows quantities in stock and unassigned.
The Tracking Report command offers a selection form in which you can choose a range of serial or batch numbers and transaction dates for a specific stock record. You can choose to include costing details by selecting the Show Costing Details option. The report will show movements in and out and balances for the traceable item.
The Traceable Stock command offers a selection form in which you can choose a range of products, warehouses or categories and list all serial or batch number records. Whether serial and batch numbers are included in the same report depends on whether you select the Batch Items or Serial Items options. You can also produce the report in bin location sequence without range selections. The report will show the selected traceable records including stock and unassigned figures. In addition to the above reports that are specifically for traceable items, you can also choose whether traceable records are included in other stock reports. However, the serial or batch numbers are not listed in the detail of such report. For example, on the Stocktake Forms report, you can choose whether to include traceable records.
On the selection screen for the G.R.N. Report, you can select the types of GRN records to include. These can be those created by direct stock receipts and purchase orders as well as the G.R.N. command itself. If you also select the Show Extra Line Details option, the report will include a quantity assigned if any serial or batch numbers were assigned to the items in the GRN document concerned. This option applies regardless of whether you have the Receive via GRN Only option selected.
When you use the Stock Valuation command to produce a stock valuation report, an additional option applies for traceable stock. The Traceable by Actual Cost option can be selected if you want to value traceable stock by its actual cost. If the option is cleared, the costing method used depends on your selection of the other costing options.