Personal Data Search Report & Export Options

This form is opened from the Action button on the System Manager - Utilities - Personal Data Search form.

Report options

Report option


Include report header

Select to include header information on the report, for example the company name, selection criteria, Opera user details and the date and time when the report was run.

Mask sensitive data

Select to obscure the sensitive data on the report, for example sort codes, bank account numbers, building society reference numbers, BIC and IBANs.

Captions only (no data)

Select to see on the report only the headings for the data that will be displayed on the report. The actual personal details will not be included with this option selected.

Export options

Export option


Mask sensitive data

Select to obscure the sensitive data in the export file, for example sort codes, bank account numbers, building society reference numbers, BIC and IBANs.


Accept the suggested location or save the file in a location of your choice.

File Name

The CSV (Comma Separated Value) file name, which is a machine readable format that can be sent to the individual if required.

When you save the results of a personal data search in a file, you are creating a copy of someone's personal details. You should keep the files in a secure location. If you send them to an individual consider deleting them afterwards.