Release 4.06.00

These are the details for Capital Gold Payroll (4.06.00).




Sept 18


This release includes software improvements for security, reporting, National Minimum Wage, pensions, and usability improvements.





Some Capital Gold Payroll users may still use default passwords.

A new warning will be shown when you log in to Capital Gold Payroll if you are still using the default login passwords, with the opportunity to change the password.

This will strengthen the security of the data recorded in Capital Gold Payroll.





How the Apprenticeship Levy is calculated wasn't clear.

A new report called Apprenticeship Levy is available in the Multi Period Reports section of the Reports Library.

This new report shows a monthly breakdown of the Apprenticeship Levy.

The Company Details report did not include the Apprenticeship Levy, Employment Allowance, Archive Status, and Cease Trading Date.

The report has been amended.

The report now includes this relevant information.

The Company Costs Summary did not include the Apprenticeship Levy.

This note has been added to the report to advise when the levy will be included:

The Apprenticeship Levy value will only be displayed when printing the report for a monthly or weekly & monthly pay period(s) combined and month end processing has been performed for the selected month.  An Apprenticeship Levy value will not be displayed when only weekly is selected.

This change explains when the levy will be included on the report.

The Period Holiday report displayed '0' holiday taken for holiday accruals.

The report now displays 'N/A' (not applicable) for holiday accruals.

This change removes potentially confusing information on the report.

When exporting payslips they were all always saved together in the same files.

A new option called Export as separate files has been introduced on the Export Options screen so that the 'Pegasus 220' and 'Laser Payslip With Address' payslips can be saved in separate files.

Payslips that are exported in a batch can be saved separately in discrete files rather than all payslips being saved in one file. This means that, if individual files are needed, you don't need to do an export run for each payslip.

Where a notional payment is paid to an employee at the same time as holiday pay all payslips show a 'Other Payments' value at the bottom of the list of payments. Holiday pay is included in this value so is not shown separately.

The payslip reports now display holiday pay on a separate line on all payslips.


It's now clear when 'Other payments' are paid how much holiday pay is paid, because it is listed separately.

New and amended reports will need to be selected from the Reports Library beforehand.

National Minimum and Living Wage




The National Minimum and Living Wage report unnecessarily includes leavers.

When employees' rates are checked to include on the National Minimum and Living Wage report, the report now checks whether the employee has a Left date on the Employee Details - General screen. Employees with a left date are now ignored.

The report has been updated to show current employees only.

Hourly pay rates are not calculated automatically based on salary and contracted or working hours.

A new option called Activate salary to rate calculation is available on the Company - Company Options screen.

If ticked, when entering an annual salary the hourly rate is now calculated and recorded for the employee for a chosen rate. The holiday pay rate for the employee on their Employee details - Salary tab is also calculated at the same time.

If National Minimum Wage Warnings are active, the hourly rate will be used for checking the rates when the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage reports are printed, and in Employee details.

The contracted or working hours do need to be entered for the employee in the Working Hours section of the Employee details screen.

This makes the task of checking National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage levels much more straightforward as the rate will be calculated automatically and used when necessary.





Some pension schemes require all contributions  to be rounded up because rounding down could result in less than the minimum contribution being made. Currently Capital Gold Payroll followed the standard rounding rules only.

A tick box called Round Contributions up is now available using the % Settings button in Alter Payments/Deductions for percentage calculation pension deductions. This option forces pension contributions to be rounded up to the nearest penny.

This means that however pension schemes want rounding to operate, Capital Gold Payroll will allow pension deductions to be defined either to always round up contributions, or to follow the usual rounding rules.

Usability improvements




The presentation of the payments and deductions fields are inconsistent.

These areas have been made consistent to allow values in the range -9999999.99 to 9999999.99:

  • Employee details

  • Employee Debug

  • Global Changes

  • Alter Payment / Deductions

  • Input/Edit Payroll Details.

The presentation of the fields are now the same throughout Capital Gold Payroll.

For annually paid employees the annual salary had to be entered manually for a payroll run.

If either the Company Options - Company - Annual Scheme or Employee Details - Period - Pay Annually options are ticked, and the employee is Salary paid, the annual salary (the period value multiplied by the number of pay periods in the year) will now automatically be populated in the Salary field during the payroll run.

Manual data entry is no longer needed in this situation.

After editing a Quick Report and escaping, a confusing message was displayed.

A new message now asks whether the edits made need to be saved rather than cancelled.

The message is easier to understand and react to.

Currently, any Benefit in Kind payments are included in Gross Taxable and/or Gross NI-able pay on the Payroll Summary.

A new column has been added to the Payroll Summary report to display Benefit in Kind payments as separate amounts.

Benefit in Kind payments are now easy to identify in the new column on the report.

Customers are finding it difficult to understand the car benefit calculation, particularly when a car is withdrawn and a new car allocated in the same pay period.

A new button called Car Benefit has been added to the Do Payroll - Pay Preview screen.

This opens a new screen that explains the car benefit. The button will work historically if car data was available for the older pay period being viewed.

The new screen displays:

  • The date the car was allocated to the employee in the current tax year unless the car is being viewed historically then the date could be in an older year

  • The date the car was withdrawn from the employee.

  • The cash equivalent for the car and fuel for private use.

  • The benefit recovered processed through the payroll.

  • The benefit in the current period.

The calculation of car benefit is now explained on the new screen, which is available during a payroll run.   

Currently all pay elements are catered for in the net to gross calculation. This can mean that the employer then cover the costs like student loans or  attachments of earnings.

A new screen called Exclude from Net to Gross is now available using the Settings button in Alter Payments/Deductions, which allows pay elements to be excluded from the calculation.

Selected pay elements can now be excluded from the Net to Gross calculation.

When the Show Pay tab in the Statutory Payments screen is opened after clicking on the ShPP tab, the average pay calculations in the Show Pay tab are not displayed until the user clicks on another tab or closes and reopens the Statutory Payments screen.

A message has now been added that instructs the user to close the Statutory Payments screen and reopen it.

The user is now informed of the action to take to refresh the average pay calculations.

Salary payments are not automatically reduced by the holiday pay an employee receives in a pay period.

A new option called Reduce Salary by Holiday Pay is now available on the Salary tab of the employee record. The option can also be seen (and amended if necessary) on the Holiday screen, which is available during a payroll run.

The salary amount can now be automatically reduced by the amount of holiday pay an employee receives in the payroll run.

Capital Gold Payroll Guides

Capital Gold Payroll Product Details