Stock Control Help
Use this report to produce a list of the in-stock quantities maintained by the application. You can produce the report in product, bin location, warehouse or category sequence and you can choose whether to include warehouse stocks, if appropriate. The report includes information about the in-stock quantity and packed units.
Open the Stock folder
and then click Reports
or click the Supply Chain Management
tab on the Ribbon Bar and then
click Stock
- Reports.
Click Theoretical Stock.
In the Sequence list, select the sequence option you want. You can produce the report in product, bin location, warehouse or category sequence, then depending on the sequence you have selected, use the From and To lists to define the range of records you want included in the print run.
If necessary, select these boxes:
To include details of stock at warehouses, select the Show Warehouse Stocks option.
If you select the Include Work In Progress option, a column is included in the report to print the work in progress quantity. This only applies if you have the Bill of Materials application.
To include dormant stock items, select the Include Dormant Items option. Stock items are defined as dormant in the Stock - Processing - Options command.
Click OK.
On the Publisher form, click the tab to select the output device you want to use and then complete any settings or options you want to apply to the output device. To process the output, click Publish.