Stock Movements

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Use the Processing command on the Stock menu to record the movement of stock items not otherwise generated from other applications (such as SOP or Purchase Orders). First retrieve the stock record you want to process, then select the appropriate command from the Action menu.

If the Continuous Posting option is selected on the User Profiles form in the System application for your user record, you can post movements of the same type in batches because the application automatically reselects the same command (Receipt, Issues, Return and so on) when you complete a transaction record.

If you are processing movements for traceable items, the screen will include additional boxes and controls. If you need to process stock records that are traceable by serial or batch numbers, refer to the Traceability section for information.

Stock Movement Entries




A reference that identifies the warehouse for the movement transaction. You can select from a list. Warehouses are defined using the Warehouses command on the Maintenance menu, provided you have the multi-warehouses feature activated. For transfer movements, you specify both the source and destination warehouses using the From Ware and To Ware lists. If you leave the To Ware list box blank, you can progress to the Warehouse Distribution form to make transfers to more than one warehouse simultaneously.


The date of the movement. This defaults to the system date but you can override it.

If Stock Control is linked to the Nominal Ledger, this date is also used for the update of the Nominal Ledger. For information about how stock updates the Nominal Ledger, see the Introducing Stock Control Help topic.

If you use the Open Period Accounting feature, this is the date used to determine the period in the Nominal Ledger that the transaction is posted to.

Open Period Accounting is an optional feature that allows you to control whether your Nominal Ledger accounting periods are open or closed for new postings. Accounting periods can be kept open as long as necessary but are normally closed once management accounts have been presented for the financial year. If Open Period Accounting is used, each transaction that is posted in the application has a Nominal Ledger transaction date, which determines the accounting period that is posted to and the period name that is displayed at the time of posting. The period that is posted to can be the current Nominal Ledger period, a previous Nominal Ledger period, or a future Nominal Ledger period as long as the period is open. You also do not need to change the application's system date because the Nominal Ledger transaction date determines which period is updated.

Open Period Accounting works with both the Real Time Update method and the batch transfer method of updating the Nominal Ledger.

An option on the Company Profiles form controls whether Open Period Accounting is used.


A reference for the movement transaction.


The quantity moved. In the case of adjustments, you can enter either a positive or negative quantity.


The cost price of the item. The default cost price is based on either the price on the warehouse record (if applicable), or, if this is zero, on the stock profile (FIFO or average). You can either accept this price or amend it.

When stock receipts are posted, the cost price is used to calculate a new average price if the item is linked to a Stock Profile that has been set up for average costing. However, if the existing cost price for the stock item is zero, an average is not calculated.

Shipping Ref

The shipping reference for the receipt. This provides an accurate link from the receipt of the stock item to the documentation related to the shipping of the item. This option is enabled if the Landed Costs option is selected on the System - Maintenance - Company Profiles form.

Landed Cost

If a stock item is subject to landed costs, when a stock receipt is posted both the unit cost and the unit landed cost are used to calculate the total cost of the receipt. This applies to all types of stock: Non FIFO, FIFO, and batch and serial traceable. The landed costs that are relevant for the stock item are set up on the Stock Control - Processing - Landed Costs form.

When the stock item is issued to a customer, the total cost (including both the unit cost price and the unit landed cost) is taken into account when margins are calculated. Where these costs are displayed in Opera, for example in these Sales Ledger forms: View, Sales Analysis View, Sales History View and these Sales Order Processing reports: Orders Listing and Quotes and Proformas report, they include both the unit cost and the unit landed cost.

Landed cost prices are always calculated to two decimal places. This cost is then added to the unit cost price to calculate a total cost price. For example, if a stock item's price is held to three decimal places, say a unit cost price of 7.675 and a landed cost of 1.56 (always held to two decimal places), the total cost price is 9.235.

If the cost price is held to either zero decimal places or one decimal place, the cost price is rounded. For example, if a stock item's price is held to zero decimal places, say a unit cost price of 7 and a landed cost of 1.56 (always held to two decimal places), the total cost price is 9 (7 + 2 (1.56 rounded up)).

If a stock item's price is held to one decimal place, say a unit cost price of 7.1 and a landed cost of 1.56 (always held to two decimal places), the total cost price is 8.7 (7.1 + 1.6 (1.56 rounded up)).

Iss. Price

The selling price of the item. The default selling price is based on either the price in the warehouse record (if applicable), or, if this is zero, on the stock record. You can either accept this price or amend it. This is used to calculate the value of sales for the issue of this item.

Due Date

For purchase orders only, this is the date the item is due to be delivered from the supplier.


A memorandum or note concerning the nature of the movement transaction.


For traceable receipts, you can identify a supplier for the GRN record. You can select from a list. If you need to process stock records that are traceable by serial or batch numbers, refer to the Traceability section for information.


A command button that opens a window for completion of additional GRN details. This only applies to traceable items. If you need to process stock records that are traceable by serial or batch numbers, refer to the Traceability section for information.


Use the Receipts command on the Action menu associated with the Stock form to record details of receipts into stock of the currently selected stock item. Do not record goods returned from customers using this command — use the Return command instead. You can choose to receive the goods against an outstanding purchase order or not. If you choose to receive against a purchase order, the screen displays a list of all outstanding orders for that item to which you can match the receipt. The cost of the receipt is determined by the method of cost valuation specified on the stock profile. This is either average cost or standard cost. If average costing is in operation, the average cost is updated when you record the receipt. The cost is held on the transaction if standard costing is in operation.

If you have the Purchase Orders application and goods are received against purchase orders, you must use the G.R.N. command instead.


Use the Issues command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to record details of stock issues. You can choose whether to issue stock against allocated stock. If you do, the screen shows details of all stock allocations against which you can record the issue. If you have the Costing application installed and activated and the Stock Control to Costing option is selected on the Options tab of the Company Profiles form in the System application, you can analyse issues to a job or phase and cost code. A prompt appears when you have completed the other movement details asking if you want to enter a costing analysis. If you choose 'Yes', the Costing Analysis form appears so you can assign the issued stock to a job or phase and cost code and update the costs accordingly.


Use the Return command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to record details of previously issued goods returned to stock. You would normally use this command only where goods are not returned against a credit note — for example, internal return of components originally issued to manufacture a different stock item. If you have the Costing application installed and activated and the Stock Control to Costing option is selected on the Options tab of the Company Profiles form in the System application, you can analyse returns to a job or phase and cost code. A prompt appears when you have completed the other movement details asking if you want to enter a costing analysis. If you choose 'Yes', the Costing Analysis form appears so you can assign the returned stock to a job or phase and cost code and update the costs accordingly.

Allocations and Deallocations

Use the Allocate command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to mark stock as allocated. This reserves the stock which is no longer available for issue or transfer. Use the Deallocate command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to directly reduce the allocated stock balance. This removes a temporary allocation of stock, for example where a customer has not exercised an option to buy. Stock that is deallocated is returned to 'free stock' and can be issued or transferred subsequently. Once you have entered details of the quantity to be deallocated, the application displays a list of allocations that you can select to match against the deallocation.


Use the Adjust command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to alter the current stock balances. You can enter both positive and negative adjustments. Typically, you would use this to record details of known shrinkages, stock damaged, or to adjust the theoretical figures to the actual ones when a stock take is carried out.


Use the Transfer command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to record details of stock transferred from one warehouse to another. This only applies if you have the multi-warehouses feature activated. When you post a stock transfer, you specify both the source and destination warehouses using the From Ware and To Ware lists. If you leave the To Ware list box blank, you can progress to the Warehouse Distribution form to make transfers to more than one warehouse simultaneously.

Purchase Orders

Use the Purchase Order command associated with the Action menu on the Stock form to add or modify orders for stock replenishment. When goods are received you must use the Receipts command (that is, not the G.R.N. command) to match them against purchase orders entered here. You can then see what balance is outstanding against which purchase orders. If outstanding purchase order records exist for a stock item, you can use the Modify command on the Action menu to change order details, such as quantity, due date and comment, or use the Add command to create additional order records, for example, for other warehouses.

If you use the Purchase Order Processing application, this command is not available.

Costing Analysis

This only applies if you use the Costing application.




A reference that identifies the job and phase to which the movement is to be analysed. You can select from a list. Job and phase records are maintained using the Job Processing command in the Costing application.  

Cost Code

A reference that identifies the cost code to which the movement is to be analysed. You can select from a list. You can only select stock type cost code records; either those identifying a stock reference or those with a blank stock reference. If the Allow C.C. Budgets option is selected on the job record:

If you have the Allow Cost Code Additions option cleared on the Set Options form in the Costing application, you can only select cost codes that have already been assigned to a job using the Budgets command on the Action menu associated with the Job form in the Costing application.

If you have the Allow Cost Code Additions option selected on the Set Options form in the Costing application, you can use the Assign Cost Codes command on the Action menu associated with the Costing Analysis form to add a new cost code record to the currently selected job. The Assign Cost Codes for Job form appears listing available cost codes that can be assigned. You click to select the cost code record you want to assign and then click Assign.

If the Allow C.C. Budgets option is cleared on the job record, all valid cost codes are displayed for selection.

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