Opera Help
This topic applies to Reverse Charge Sales of mobile phones or computer chips only. Set up instructions for domestic Reverse Charge goods and services are in the Setting Up VAT Codes for Domestic Reverse Charge VAT Help topic.
See the Domestic
Reverse Charge mechanism Help topic for background information.
Select the RC Sales List option on the Company Profiles form if you sell the items for values above the de minimis level.
Check the Reverse Charge De minimis level on the System Preferences form. If HMRC change the level, you can update it here.
Open the System folder and click
VAT Processing or
click the Administration tab
on the Ribbon Bar and then click
VAT Processing.
Create Reverse Charge Sales and Reverse Charge Purchase VAT codes.
A Reverse Charge Sales code updates only Box 6 (Value of Sales). Example from a Sales perspective...
A Reverse Charge Purchase code updates Box 1 (Output Tax), Box 4 (Input Tax), and Box 7 (Value of Purchases). Example from a Purchase perspective..
Select the Reverse
Charge option for each stock item or product record where the
Reverse Charge accounting procedure applies. The option is displayed
in the Stock
- Processing command on the Options
form and where the Stock module is not used, in the SOP/Invoicing
- Maintenance - Products and P.Orders - Maintenance - Products
You can identify a Reverse Charge item by an icon that appears in the
form's status bar:
Your sales invoice and credit note designs must be updated to indicate when the Reverse Charge accounting procedure has been used on a transaction. You can check the default invoice design to see what needs to be done.
Each line on the document must indicate whether it is a reverse charge item.
The VAT Analysis section of the document must indicate whether VAT is subject to the Reverse Charge procedure.
The VAT value that is being reverse charged must be displayed after the final line of the document.
total goods value for all reverse charge lines on the invoice will
determine whether an invoice is subject to the reverse charge. To
process an invoice for a VAT
registered customer above the HMRC de minimis level, use a Reverse Charge Sales VAT
code. You can use Reverse Charge
codes on credit notes even if the goods value is below the de minimis
Use a Reverse Charge Purchase VAT code when you receive
an invoice or credit note that are subject to Reverse Charge accounting
from a VAT
registered supplier.
If the RC Sales List option in the Company Profiles command is selected, create the RCSL upload file at the same time as committing your VAT Return in the MTD VAT Centre using the Commit command. Submit the RCSL to HMRC using VAT Online Services, whether or not you actually make Reverse Charge supplies. You must submit the RCSL for each VAT period until you permanently cease to make these supplies, when you must tell HMRC the date on which you ceased.