The Period End command is an exclusive process that closes the current period in Fixed Assets and opens the next period. It can only be run after the Depreciation Calculation and the Nominal Analysis commands have been run.
These updates are completed in the Period End command:
Any items that have been marked for deletion are removed.
The period number in Fixed Assets is incremented by one.
Leased assets are updated with the next payment date and the number of remaining payments.
If the period is the last in the year, these additional tasks are done:
Any fully disposed assets are removed if they have been kept for the number of years set by the Keep Disposed Assets option in Set Options.
The next period number starts at '1' and the period start and end dates are updated for the new year.
You are asked if you want to print the Statutory Movement Report.
If you use the Open Period Accounting feature, you can set the status for the current period in the Nominal Ledger to 'Blocked' for Fixed Assets updates. This prevents any further postings from Fixed Assets to the period in the Nominal Ledger.
Open Period Accounting is available in Opera 3.
Caution: You cannot change your financial year in the Nominal Ledger once you have run the final Period End in Fixed Assets. If you intend to change your financial year in the Nominal Ledger, possibly by extending it beyond the existing number of periods, you must not run this command until you have done so.