
The Reports submenu provides listings of records maintained and transactions posted in Fixed Assets. These include lists of records maintained through the various forms and transactions generated as a result of activity in the module. Reports can be used to view information on your computer screen as well as printing. Some of the reports provide a number of options to determine the criteria, sequence and range of records reported.

The following reports are on the Reports menu:



Audit Trail

Reports details of changes to asset's information or status. The report can be printed either in summary or in detail, and sequenced by asset reference, asset category, and posting date. You can enter a period range that spans financial years.

Additions Report

Reports additions to Fixed Assets. It can be sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre, location and posting date.

You can filter the information on the report by including or excluding inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.

Disposals Report

Reports disposals from Fixed Assets. It can be sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre, location and posting date. Allocations details and sales details can also be included.

You can filter the information on the report by including or excluding inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets and assets that were purchased in different ways.

Transfers Report

Reports transfers between locations or cost centres. It can be sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre, location and posting date.

Amendments Report

Reports revaluations, overrides, previous year adjustments and renumbering transactions for assets. The report can be printed in summary or in detail, and sequenced by asset reference, asset category and posting date.

Depreciation Report

Reports the depreciation details for assets. The report can be printed either in summary or in detail, and sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre and posting date.

You can filter the information on the report by choosing to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.

Depreciation Forecast

Reports the future depreciation for 'live' and 'new' assets for this financial year or the next financial year. The report can be printed either in summary or in detail, and sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre and posting date.

Asset Record Print

Reports details of an asset for the range selected. It can be sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre and location. Allocations details can also be included.

You can filter the information on the report by selecting to include or exclude inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.

Asset List

Reports a simple listing of the asset. It can be sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre and location. Allocations details can also be included.

You can filter the information on the report by selecting to include or exclude inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.

Balance Sheet Report

Reports assets grouped by balance sheet type. It can be sequenced by balance sheet group or cost centre.

You can filter the information on the report by selecting to include or exclude inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.

Nominal Reconciliation

Reports the original cost value and depreciation to date values for each asset in Fixed Assets and the Nominal Ledger. Any difference between the modules is also displayed. The report can be printed either in summary or in detail.

You can select assets that were purchased in different ways. You can also choose to include each asset's original cost and accumulated depreciation Nominal Ledger accounts.

Nominal Journal

Prints the nominal journal that should be posted to the Nominal module for the Fixed Assets current period. Prints one journal for disposals and another journal for depreciation.

Statutory Movement Report

This is the statutory end of year movement report for assets, printed by balance sheet type. It can be sequenced by asset category, balance sheet group and cost centre. You can print the report for the complete financial year or up to a period you choose.

You can filter the information on the report by selecting to include or exclude inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, and assets that were purchased in different ways.

Statutory Lease Information

The statutory leasing disclosure obligations report, by balance sheet group.

You can filter the information on the report by selecting to include or exclude inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.


Prints labels for assets, locations or cost centres, using the standard label function. You can print one or more label for each asset reference, cost centre, or location.

Insurance List

Lists the assets with insurance values. It can be sequenced by asset reference, asset category, cost centre, location and insurance company.

You can filter the information on the report by selecting to include or exclude inter group assets. You can also choose to include capitalised and non capitalised assets, assets that were purchased in different ways, and assets with different status.